Stractured Data and Voice Cabling

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Supporting mission-critical systems and being able to quickly and cost-efficiently adapt to emerging technologies are critical functions of a well-built IT network infrastructure. And the backbone of this infrastructure is a robust and adaptable structured cabling system.

Clickstart CCTV specializes in voice, data, fiber optic and wireless networking based on reliable, high-quality, standards-based cabling and network infrastructure components. Whether implementing a new or upgraded LAN, WLAN, or rolling out new technology, having a network cabling system that is able to scale to accommodate bandwidth needs and easily integrate the latest technologies helps your business stay competitive, while reducing overall infrastructure costs.

Our expert team provides end-to-end structured cabling solutions for a variety of industries, from health care, retail, IT, manufacturing, etc. Whether one location or thousands, we can get you covered. Our working standards ensure minimal disruption and in-time completion within budget.

CCCI’s structured networking checklist is broken into 4 parts, a Pre-Install Checklist, Before Starting the Install, During the Installation and After Completion. Here are a few tips, according to the FOA, to add to the checklist.

Pre-Install Checklist

  • Main Point of Contact/Project Manager Chosen
  • Link Communications Requirements Set
  • Equipment and Component Requirements Set and Vendors Chosen
  • Link Route Chosen, Permits Obtained
  • Cable Plant Component and Vendors Chosen

Before Starting the Install

  • All Permits Available for Inspection
  • Sites Prepared, Power Available
  • All Components on Site, Inspected, 24-hour Security Arranged

During the Installation:

  • Inspect Workmanship
  • Daily Review of Process, Progress, Test Data

After Completion of Cable Plant Installation

  • Inspect Workmanship
  • Review Test Data on Cable Plant
  • Set-Up & Test Communications System

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